Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update on Bella

She didn't go to the home that we thought she would. So she's still with me. Not that I mind; she's turned out to be a great dog. Once she had the 5 rotten teeth pulled she had a noticeable change in her personality. Makes sense when you think about it. I can only imagine the discomfort she was in. Now she's actually peppy, plays with my dog and overall is a happy, sweet girl.

Here's what she looks like now. She always keeps her toys with her.
Quite a change from the frightened, shell of a dog that came here 3 months ago.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Final Update

I've been remiss in not keeping this blog up to date and for that I apologize. Now to give you the news on Bella and the puppies.

The two little boys went together to a great home. The girls also went to great homes. One little girl, now named Lucy, went to a home with a resident dog so she'll never be without a playmate. The last puppy, now named Daisy, has been adopted into a home with another small dog. Daisy goes to work every day with her new mom and is good as gold all day long. What a life!

Today Bella was spayed. She also got a dental and had to have 5 teeth pulled. We weighed her at the vet's office: 14 pounds. When I first got her, 3 months ago, she weighed 11 pounds and that was two weeks before she had her puppies. When I think about the horrid conditions she came from and the utter lack of care, it's really a wonder any of her puppies made it.

We can only imagine Bella's fate had animal control not confiscated her and all the others on that cold, winter day in December. How long could she go on breeding in her malnourished state with rotten teeth? Please don't hesitate to discourage people from buying puppies from fancy pet stores. Those dogs are bred solely for profit without a care in the world for the animal's well-being.

Bella has a family waiting for her. It will probably be next weekend and she'll go to her new home to live a life of comfort, great food and LOTS of love. Bella will have the life she deserves.