Saturday, January 31, 2009

Donations Are Down

A huge thank you to those who have donated. Your help means more than you know. It makes it possible for us to keep rescuing homeless pets.

A sure sign of the economy is when our donations are down. And they are down. Please know that no amount is too small. Every $10 adds up. Even $5. It all helps.

When we take in homeless animals whether from a puppy mill or from a shelter where the pet is scheduled to be put to sleep or an owner has decided to give up their pet, we get all the vetting done before the pet is put up for adoption. All of it gets done. Your donations help to make this possible.

Bella has rotted teeth in the back of her mouth. After her puppies, when she's spayed she'll also get a dental.

None of the dogs that came from that puppy mill had received an ounce of care until they arrived at the UC shelter. None. One of the dogs had a huge hernia, another an eye problem, most of them have neglected teeth. Bella is due to have 6 puppies; there will be expenses involved with that.
All the dogs taken in, including the puppies to come, will receive whatever they need for their health. Your donations go directly to the pets care.

What do these things cost?
Rotting teeth: $500
Puppy care: $800
Free from a puppy mill & into a loving home: Priceless!

I'll post an update tomorrow.

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