Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Puppies Continue To Gain Weight

Yay! Today they're 8 days old and doing great. This morning the smallest pup weighed exactly 11 ounces. The largest came in at 13.3 ounces. I weigh them twice a day on a digital kitchen scale. Weight gain is a key indicator of how they're doing. By keeping a close eye on it should things start going in the wrong direction I'll be right on top of it.

Bella is also doing great. She spends most of her time in the bed with her babies. When she wants to go out for her business she gets out of the bed and waits for me to come in the room. When she sees me she wags her tail & gets all excited. Considering her background I didn't know when she'd be house-trained. Would it take forever? No. Last week she finally "got it" and no longer does her business in the pen.

Today when Bella was outside she broke into a run; I mean a real loping run. I had the thought that I bet this is the first time she's ever been able to do that. When you're stuck living 24/7 in a wire cage exercise is no more than a distant dream. She's finding out that life can be good.

To be continued.......

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making sure the rest of her life will be good.. and for taking such tender loving care of Bella and her puppies.
