Monday, February 9, 2009

R.I.P. Tony & Mella

Yes, we lost them both. Late last night within minutes of each other they both passed. It was apparent yesterday afternoon that these two puppies were not doing well. All was done that could be done but sometimes a higher power has the final word. They will be missed and at least we know they were loved and never spent a minute in a puppy mill.

First thing this morning I had Bella and the four remaining puppies at the vet's office. Needless to say, losing two at the same time spooked me so I wanted all the others checked out asap.

Bella is now on medication to help her produce more milk. In the meantime I'm supplementing all four puppies with the bottle. This evening "Aunt Maria" came over to help give Bella and the puppies fluids. IV fluids are given under the skin. This will keep them all well hydrated until Bella is producing more milk. Bella is very good about getting fluids. The puppies are another story. They're healthy & vigorous and would never stay still while getting poked with a needle.

I have to name these puppies. Maybe tomorrow.


  1. God bless you all.
    I'm so sorry.

  2. Thank you Barbara. We try so hard but sometimes it just doesn't work out the way we want.
    On a happier note, the four remaining puppies are all doing well.

  3. Take comfort in knowing you did the best you could for these dear ones. God himself couldn't ask for more. I will keep you, Bella, and the babies in my prayers.


  4. Boy are they adorable and Bella looks great.You are doing a wonderful job with them all. There are so many little ones out there that need care and I know the type of care you provide and no one could ask for any better. Bless you and Bella and the pupers!
